Before and After School Childcare

Lake and Shore Community Centre now offers before and after School Childcare

 Before & After School Programs start Thursday, September 5th and finish Thursday, June 26th .

Before Care 6:30-7:55am, cost $6 per day/ $30 per week. After School Care 2:05-5:30pm, cost $15 per day/ $75 per week.

Both programs are currently full.

(Contact us for waitlist)

Holidays for Both Schools

Sept 30,Oct 14,Nov 11,Dec 23-Jan 2 Feb 17 ,Mar 10-14,Apr 18 & 21 May 19

Professional Development Days Porters Lake Elementary

Sept 4,Oct 11,Oct 25,Nov 22,Dec 5,Jan 2,Mar 7,April 3,April 30

Professional Development Days Ecole des Beaux-Marais

Sept 4,Oct 25,Nov 18,Dec 5,Jan 2,Jan 31,Apr 3,Apr 30,May 16

  • Please provide snacks for morning or afternoon and a fillable water bottle. No peanut or tree nut products.
  • Please provide indoor sneakers with your child’s name to be kept on site
  • Please provide a change of clothes in a Ziplock bag with your child’s name on it to stay on site during the school year.
  • Attached you will find a participant information form to be filled out and returned via email prior to the program starting. Email
  • Attached is a copy of our violence and behaviour policy. Lake & Shore is not able to support children that require one on one support.
  • Attached is a list of the holidays and professional development days; there will be no charge for these days.
  • If your child is sick or absent, call the centre and leave a message on our phone line 902-827-2700. There is no refund for sick or absent days.
  • In the event of a snowstorm, early dismissal as a result of a storm or lose of power, if school is closed for any reasons there will be no before/after school care. Participants will be billed as we pay our staff for these emergencies.
  • Each day our staff will do a variety of activities and games with the kids. Due to Porters Lake Excel program, we will not be able to use the playground out back. When going outdoors we will use our space out front and the field.
  • Billing will be monthly with the card you have provided, and a receipt will be emailed and or we can provide a yearly receipt.
  • For before school care 6:30-7:55am, staff will take kids to school.
  • For after school care 2:05-5:30pm, staff will pick up kids in cafeteria hallway from Porters Lake Elementary. Ecole des Beaux-Marais kids will be dropped off at the front doors of the centre and staff will greet them and bring them into the centre.
  • $10 late fee applied when late for pick up.


Information Form

(click to open)

Violence & Behaviour Policy

(click to open)

Image of Participant Information Form
Violence & Behaviour Policy